6 April 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010406a.gif)
dreamt that sam and i were living in an apartment building in some constructivist version of hartford. there was an old woman who asked us something about golf, and we realized that if we stood on tip-toes we could watch a golf tournament down bellow through a weird shaped window in our hallway (or maybe living room).
in a later bit, the scenery hadn't changed much, but i was somehow now in providence. i was trying to get ahold of a girl named pax who i had gone to high school with. i thought that she would know something that would help us answer one of the old woman's (from earlier) questions. somehow i knew that she would be working at kinko's and i called their toll-free number and asked for the numbers of all the branches in rhode island. there were over a hundred, so i asked for just providence instead, and there were only three. the first place hung up on me when i mentioned her name. when i called the second place i said "don't hang up on me, but does or did a woman named pax work there?" and it turned out to be her on the phone.
and then my wife and i were walking down the street and we ran into pax. "do you remember _____ from high school?" i asked.
had my third dentist appointment this morning. just the wisdom tooth on the bottom left side. my dentist thought she'd try to drill the cavity without novocaine, since the nerve tends to be deeper in wisdom teeth, but the tooth had had quite a while to decay and the cavity was larger than she expected. about half way through i started feeling the drill. so i got the shot after all and could still feel a bit a pain for a while after that. eventually my mouth went completely numb though, and stayed that way for a good couple of hours.