24 April 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010424a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010424b.gif)
went to take some video stills of a building on benefit street that is clad in modular precast concrete panels before studio this morning. i'm not sure if i want to use something like that in my building, but they've caught my eye on a few occasions, and so i figured i'd at least think about it. (i have no real idea what the skin of my building is going to look like or be made of beyond the fact that the atrium, sort of by definition, needs to be mostly glass.)
videotaped a bunch of other things over the course of the day: flower petals blowing around in the parking lot, interesting patterns on the floor. it's been a while since i've carried my video camera around with me.
italian was canceled. no explanation, just a note on the door saying "no class tonight". stopped by the metcalf building and design center to see if chris.k or garth were around before heading home. i had suggested burritos for dinner tonight after i got back from italian and figured that if i could find them we could eat earlier. turned out to be a bit of a wild goose chase, as they were both already at home. and we didn't have any beer, which goes well with burritos i've found, but it was a good meal anyway.
after dinner garth took a roll of photos of me in different shirts and glasses (and haircuts, i chopped it all off in the middle) for my passport. hopefully one of these will work. and there will be extra photos for my visa application and international student id card.