23 April 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010423a.gif)
my final dentist appointment. (for now.) two more fillings on the bottom right side. for some reason the novocaine didn't really take, but after four shots of it my dentist decided to start drilling anyway, "just let me know if you feel any discomfort." the first tooth wasn't too bad. a few little tingles of sensation, but not really too painful. i started feeling the drill in my wisdom tooth. but it wasn't unbearable and i didn't really want any more shots so i kept it to myself. but then, before putting the filling in, the exposed surface of the tooth has to be "etched" with some sort of acid and that just ate into the exposed and under-numbed nerve and really hurt. my gum's still kind of sore, but at least it's all over.
afterwards, i added some cash to my print account and gave printing my passport photos another shot. unfortunately, i think they may be a little too grainy (and unevenly lit) and on the wrong sort of photo paper. so after all this i still have to get some other photos taken.
no one in my ecs group had done any work on our project since last wednesday. and we were supposed to meet and talk with our teacher about it this afternoon. and the ideas that we did talk to him about were pretty much all things that he had suggested when we talked to him last week. and some of the people in my group tried to present them as if they were ideas that we had come up on our own. people seem to do that a lot in crit, and it always makes me feel terribly uncomfortable.
later, working on my office building, i think i came to the realization that i had to return to my first scheme if i was going to come to any sort of resolution with the project. hopefully my foray down the other path has sparked a few ideas that will help me in the direction i am heading. (or at least somewhere down the road, i still like the idea maybe i'll have a chance to get back to it some day.)