27 April 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010427a.gif)
made a trip to the post office downtown and submitted my passport application. so i don't have to worry about that until i get it back and have to apply for my visa.
got to the library a little early and did some research before i had to start work. pulled some books about emilio ambasz, who's advanced computing center in mexico city was referenced during someone else's crit on thursday. and completely coincidentally he curated the exhibition "the new domestic landscape" at the moma, the catalogue of which had been suggested to me to look at, but i had forgotten the exact title.
work itself was uneventful.
came home to an empty house. watched some tv. scrounged some food. christian called to ask if any of us wanted to go see shadow of the vampire at the avon at midnight. neither chris.k or garth had come home by that point but i went. didn't even see christian there, but it felt like i was doing something social. and, other than the tedious opening credits, i enjoyed the movie.