10 May 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010510a.gif)
dream notes: hummingbird woman / airplane / investigation
we had a pin-up in studio today. no guest critics or anything, just a chance to see where everyone else is and get a little feedback from the rest of the section. my drawings definitely don't do justice to my ideas at this point. (and my ideas are still a little half-baked themselves.) the precedence for the sort of things that i want to focus on (the work of archigram, superstudio, site, etc) are things that i am interested in conceptually, but not so much stylistically. i need to find a completely different way to represent my own ideas and design.
we actually finished early because there was some sort of legislative meeting about green building in rhode island that some of my section wanted to attend. it seemed interesting but a little too bureaucratic to me. so went home for lunch instead.
came back and worked some, and anne had returned and was talking more in depth with people who wanted more feedback, and told me to keep at it, "just do more." focus and all that.