magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


2 June 2001

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got a good night's sleep. first one in about a week i think. stopped by the beb to start cleaning up. was supposed to be working on project documentation for the architecture department. apologized for not showing up earlier, said i'd be up to help in a bit. moved stuff to my locker. talked with rex for a bit. worried about what sarah.m would think about me and stef.

spent the afternoon taking slides. mentioned at one point about how weird my living situation is right now. christian is taking my place because i won't be around next year. when we first started talking about this it seemed like at least one of the boys wouldn't be around for the summer and i could sublet from them. but then they all decided to stick around, and i had been planning on sleeping on the couch for three months and paying less rent. then i didn't really have much time to think about the imminence of all this because of my final crit and everything. christian started moving his stuff in the other day, and then last night moved in himself, and it's all very overwhelming.

and so i was explaining this and david.c says "are you looking for somewhere else to sublet."

and i reply "not unless it's really cheap."

"well, actually..." he's headed out of town for the summer and hadn't been planning on subletting his apartment. but he could use the money. he only pays $290 plus utilities, and was willing to deal. i'm going to check it out tomorrow.

came home to find chris.k moving the rest of my stuff out of my room. i had started last night, but was too exhausted to finish. i think he was a little antsy about getting christian into a real room since he's now the one on the lease. and i don't blame him. we continued moving and cleaning. then his stuff into my room, and some of christian's into chris.k's old room.

i started the night on the couch but felt cramped and moved to the living room floor.