4 June 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010604a.gif)
stef and i walked down to the beb this morning on the way to the library. and my drawings, which had been stacked neatly on my desk, were gone. at first i thought that maybe someone had taken them. but slowly i began to put the whole story together..
the spring had been stolen off of my parallel rule. not only were my final drawings gone, but also my stack of process trace drawings and all my sketch models. none of these were in the trash bags of stuff from my bay.
to the best i can tell, someone stole the spring (it's any easy piece to lose but you have to buy a whole hardware kit to get an exact replacement). in doing so i think they knocked my drawings to the floor. the custodians assumed they were trash and swept them up, along with the trash from the far end of the studio that had already been picked up.
i looked for hours to be sure. but no sign of them.
i sort of feel like i should spend the next week just redrawing everything. it would be a solid week's worth of work, but i think i could do it. they were definitely the best set of presentation drawings that i have ever done and would be nice in my portfolio. then again maybe all of this is telling me to just let go.
split a pitcher beer with mike and joe. (they got the slides from the documentation project back, and nearly all the drawings are too light and will have to be shot again.) after dinner garth and i split a twelve pack of corona and philosophized.
grabbed some sheets and my alarm clock and made my way to my new place.