8 June 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010608a.gif)
so i guess it had been coming for a while, but chris.k and i finally got into a fight about how most of my stuff is still cluttering up our old place. and he's completely justified and there's really nothing that i can say in my defense except that i have been planning since the beginning for the month to give each of them about $30, my share of the rent for a third of the month or so. but he wouldn't believe me i'm sure, think it was just something i came up with on the spot to appease my own feelings and make me seem less of the bad guy.
and i am the one at fault. i've been pushing up against this, almost intentionally, even if not consciously. just going there to eat has felt weird. almost wrong even. it's not my apartment anymore. they're not my roommates anymore. and once my stuff is all out that will be it. my replacement will be complete and there will be no going back. ever again.
i grabbed a few of my things and stormed out. i didn't want to go back at all. just throw my stuff out the window. burn it. i don't care. i couldn't imagine going back for dinner tonight. but it's friday. it's burrito night.
so i had to come up with a plan. an apology and a peace offering. i went for a walk to think about it. i stopped by the risd store and bought some nice paper. back home i folded three little oragami cranes and three little oragami boxes to put them in. i also picked up a twelve-pack of beer on my way over to the old place.
food was eaten. things were somewhat resolved.
stef called and said she was coming tonight and would be spending the weekend.