21 July 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010721a.gif)
was writing a song in my dreams. dreamt that i woke up and tried to transcribe it. it was completely gone by the time i really woke up.
spent half the day with stef until she had to go to work mid-afternoon. she got all dressed up with makeup and perfume and all that. and she looked nice, but not like anyone that i would ever think about dating, you know? and as i walked back home i was overwhelmed with this foreboding feeling that we were headed for a big argument. which i guess is inevitable eventually, we haven't really fought about anything yet. but it's still not something to actively look forward to.
garth and chris.k went into nyc to see a big, free concert at coney island, so i ended up eating dinner at 438 alone. take-out thai food and not so great microbrewed beer. (i bought beer for garth's actual birthday, tomorrow, because liquor stores aren't open on sundays. and i went to both of the nearby stores looking for his and chris.k's favourite, red stripe, but they were both sold out, so along with the usual corona i picked up a six-pack of old brown dog ale, or somesuch. it was very malty.)
did laundry. had to move someone else's out of the washer, and found out that one of the new neighbor girls has a pair of powerpuff girls underwear. watched tv. it was getting to be around the time that stef was likely to call after work, so i decided to hang out for a bit rather than walk home and maybe miss her call between houses.
finally, about twelve-thirty, i headed home. message on the voicemail from stef at about eleven, saying she was going to be working a bit longer, then eating, but would call me after. and eventually she did call. she was heading out to a party with her roommates, but would come by after, if that was okay.