8 August 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010808a.gif)
stef and i drove out to her house to move her stuff out of the basement, out of which her mom runs a school which starts soon. it was hot and humid and probably the worst day to be moving furniture. but it was nice being with stef and seeing her home, even if i didn't get to meet any of her family.
we stuffed as much as we could into my van and then headed back to providence. we were resting for a bit when daniel tracked me down at her place with server issues. i had moved mail services over yesterday, and something wasn't working correctly. he was distraught.
so i headed home for a bit to fix things. and a few other things. and eventually made it back over to stef's.
we moved some of her stuff into her current place (on the fourth floor) and the rest into the basement of the place she'll be in september. and it was still hot and humid and no weather to be moving furniture.
and we drove back up to her place and she began to say goodbye, and i said "but it's only seven-fifteen."
"you can come up if you want, but i'm just going to be putting stuff away and won't be all that much fun."
"i'll take my chances."
and as it turned out her roommates where planning on going swimming at the brown pool. i borrowed a pair of shorts and came along. the water was so nice after a hot, strenuous day. then a brief sit in the sauna and a cool shower and when we got back outside the weather felt fine.
later still, talking with stef:
"we had a very side-by-side day," she says. and somehow talk of living together. "i don't think i could live with you," she says. "i need to take some things slowly."
"i know. i feel differently, but i know."