1 September 2001
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had a terrible dream about accidentally erasing most of the files on plum.
this morning i couldn't get ahold of any of the people who i was planning on visiting in new york. er!n, alex.s, or nikki.
called stef. when she called yesterday and heard my voicemail message she was surprised that i had left for the weekend. sort of the reversal of when she left for new york on monday. i thought we had talked about it, but i guess it was still up in the air in her mind. probably because i really didn't want to spend the weekend away from her and so hadn't been decsisive in talking about it.
eventually got ahold of nikki and let her know approximately when i'd be arriving in new york. sam drove me to the train station in his "new" car. it would have been a good chance to have an advice from yr big brother sort of talk about how stupid smoking is, but i didn't think about it until i was on the train.
i had mean to spend the train ride writing up the recent entries for magicbeans but i left the envelopes with the notes on the backs on my desk in providence. so i spent most of the ride just staring out the window.
arrived in new york. took the subway out to brooklyn. found nikki's dorm at pratt without too much trouble. the kids at pratt look a lot like the kids at risd except younger. and i'm sure they're not really any younger, but just that i'm used to seeing the risd kids in my own environment and don't think about their age.
being in new york, pratt is one of those schools that you have to be signed in by a student to get into the dorms. all i got on the campus phone was nikki's voicemail. so i waited outside and kept trying. used the payphone to call alex.s, george.
finally get ahold of nikki. she came down and signed me in. we hung out and talked, ate chickpeas and canned corn, wateched the last ten minutes of dude where's my car? which her ra was showing.
apparently her roommate, who i didn't meet, was uncomfortable with having a boy spend the night (i wonder what will happen when nikki's boyfriend comes to visit). and er!n was going to spend the night in new haven so i couldn't go to her place. luckily i had finally gotten ahold of alex.s and he said that i could stay in his hotel, so i said goodnight to nikki and took the subway back into manhattan.
he was staying at the w hotel at union square. on business trips his company makes everyone fly on one of those cheap, all seats are choach planes, but then puts them up in a $300 a night hotel. it was very nice. grass growing on the check-in counter and everything.
we went out for dinner at a sushi place a block and a half down the street. swank and trendy, not a whole lot of vegetarian options, but what i had was good.
and we stayed up late talking. it had been forever since we had seen each other.