10 October 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20011010a.gif)
so it felt like yesterday was the end of the northern tour. venice. big finale. but there was still another day and a half here in ravenna, and a short stop tomorrow between here and rome.
i wasn't able to take in a whole lot of what i saw today, my brain is a little full. but i did have a really good dinner. i was out looking for another pair of pants (tried on one pair of beautiful, rust-orange corduroys, which fit, but the cut was a little weird--not tight enough or loose enough) and ran into lindsey, emily.a, and emily.s who were looking for somewhere to eat. we did quite a bit of looking, and were just about ready to give up and settle for a restaurant that looked okay but not great when we found a very promising place. the food was great, and cheap. i had a big bowl of soup, a whole pizza, and split a half liter of wine, and it only cost me (service included) about $10. in all likelihood i'll never eat at that restaurant again. it's too bad they're not in rome.