23 October 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20011023a.gif)
signed up for a desk crit with randa today. it was the first day that she was having crits, today tomorrow, thursday, or next week. i don't have terribly much work done, but i kind of wanted to just vocalize my indecision about format and figures and whatnot to someone. and i think that it was helpful for just that reason.
i didn't actually do any work in any direction today, but came to some decisions about the direction that i'll continue working in for the time being. of course that means that i'm now two pieces behind. (i figured out last night that to have one hundred pieces for the end of the semester i have to do two a day, starting today.)
also today, the five architecture students met with a woman who is an architect and teacher at one of the other american programs in rome. i'm not sure that any of us are really working on traditionally architectural projects, but it seems that randa feels that she can't really meet our needs for architectural critique and suggestions and such and so has reached out to other people. and i think that this meeting was helpful too, except that a little part of me now feels like i really should be doing some sort of architectural projects on top of everything else. like my numbers project is just a non-major three credit studio and i should still be doing six credits of architecture.
we'll see how that goes.
and tonight, out to an exhibition of artist books. i really enjoyed it. they certainly weren't all spectacular, but there were a few that i thought were really quite amazing. and of course brought my mind back to the notion of making books. (it is on the list of things that i made in providence last year to work on in rome.) i don't think that any of the other people who went to the show liked it very much, but that's just their loss i guess.
and later still, a small bar where some kids from the cornell program were playing music. i didn't meet any of them (some of the other risd kids have made some contacts) but it was nice to go out and see something of that sort.