magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


29 October 2001

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it's chris.k's birthday. i called before i went to bed, but it was still early there and no one was home. of course it was early here. i think i'm getting sick and figure i should be probably be doing all those things that people suggest you do when yr getting sick. like going to bed early. drinking lots of fluids. taking vitamin c. i tried eating some garlic tonight, as someone suggested. i know that garth has done it. after the garlic i felt even worse. and then later a headache.

earlier today, as i was walking to the art supply store to finally get some more paper, i passed a little goth shop. on the way back it occurred to me that they probably sell hair dye. and sure enough, i've now got a little bottle of shocking pink for when my hair grows in a little bit. i felt a little out of place in the shop in all my earth tones, surrounded by italian goths. but actually i feel out of place surrounded by italians most of the time anyway.