31 October 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20011031a.gif)
halloween. bret's birthday. i found some fluorescent posterboard at the cartoleria (office supply store) just down the street. and made myself a minimal, but bright, mask. this would not be my first fluorescent posterboard halloween mask. and it probably won't be my last.
i wore it through our entire italian mid-term. it didn't really help my headache any. and i think i did terribly on the oral part of the test. partly because of the headache, and partly because i just have a hard time expressing myself without first thinking about things in any language. but when it's in italian i think it comes across as if i don't really understand what i'm being asked, which is completely not the case. oh well. i'm not doing this for credit anyway, so there's no reason to get stressed about grading and such. as long as i'm learning something.
tried to call stef tonight but just got her voicemail. the second time i figured that her phone was probably dead, but i kept trying over the course of the evening anyway.