16 April 2002
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20020416y.png)
this morning those of us who were interested went to go meet two architectural fellows of the american academy. saw their studio, their work, talked about our own work. it was nice. and didn't make me feel bad about not specifically working on architectural projects. here they are, practising architects, on their year in rome, and they seem to just be playing around with ideas that they find interesting, with some sort of vague intention of turning it into something more specifically architectural in the end.
in the afternoon i went out and did my dots. my drawings have been getting more detailed and precise over the last two weeks. while working on the sixth and final drawing of the day (which i spent nearly an hour and a half on, this is an 8x6 inch drawing) i realized that i had been clenching my jaw. my drawing hand had already been a little tense from the previous few drawings, but now i was staring to feel it in my whole arm. this is the completely opposite physiological reaction than the one that i have to abstract painting, where my mouth hangs dumbly open and i have to keep a conscious effort from drooling on my work.
i took a break to stretch, but when i went back to my drawing i found myself tensing up again. the drawing's beautiful. but i think i'll probably be sore tomorrow. i don't think i can keep up this same level of intensity for the next six days.
the other thing, is that today is tuesday. tuesday had become our phone day, like wednesdays in the beginning. and we were talking a few times a week, but tuesday had been the constant for a while.