19 May 2002
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20020519a.gif)
'are you going to write that you threw a shoe at my head? please do. you don't have to say in what context. just that you threw a shoe.' -garth
later, with stef on the phone::
'you sound good.'
'thanks. i think it's 'cause i've actually eaten well today. i haven't really been eating well since i've been back.'
for lunch: all you can eat indian buffet with shannon (future roommate) and her current roommates. while there i got a call from lindsey, who's in town for a couple of days, asking if i wanted to get sushi for dinner with some ehp kids and some of her other risd friends.
and so, dinner: sushi with sarah.b, lindsey, and two other ras. afterwards we met up with emily.s and picked through the dumpsters by the brown dorms. didn't find much worthwhile.
eleven or so i stopped by stef's. [ this is where what i had written for today ends. from what i can recall, stef and i went to the wild colonial with her roommate vanessa and her boyfriend omar. at some point during the evening stef made an offhanded comment about being tired, about how she had been up until three-thirty drinking after hours at work. when i left her last night (midnight, maybe later) she was headed over to amy's to watch a movie with the girls. how she got from there to the brewery, drinking, with the boy who she initially cheated on me with it seems, i don't know. of course i didn't say anything when she brought this up. it didn't seem to be the right time and place. ]