10 September 2002
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20020910a.gif)
10.15am i quite literally feel broken. as if there's a crack through my middle and i'm coming apart. i wonder if she feels any of this, if this is a repeat of may when she knew i was back in town and didn't know how to react or if she has truly let go and moved on and isn't looking back. i still don't know how i will actually react to seeing her. feigned indifference? venomous animosity? undisguised longing? forced civility?
finished the night drunk. chris ('when is the last time you mentioned any other chris? why do i still have the k?') and i had been drowning our respective sorrows at tortilla flats, a kind of cheesy bar and mexican restaurant.
i spent the day feeling lousy after seeing stef this morning. but maybe i should go back to the beginning. hardly knowing what to do with myself this morning, in the inevitability of seeing her, i decided to take a walk in india point park. i sat on 'our' bench for a while. then headed to the beb for the architecture studio lottery.
on the way, down by the water at the park, i saw the orange dress girl (today in a turquoise and purple skirt). not exactly in my path, and of course i didn't approach her to say anything. what would i have said? 'i haven't found myself attracted to anyone since i broke up with my ex-girlfriend. the other day i noticed you outside of the brown library, and it might have only been the bright colours, but somehow you stuck in my mind. i figured i probably wouldn't ever run into you again, especially before this morning, when i'm going to have to see said ex-girlfriend for the first time in two months, but here you are.' no. emphatically not. so i just kept walking.
milling about in the beb lobby i saw stef and amy.e come in. i did my best to duck behind columns, to hide from and avoid her. eventually she did see me though, and came over to say hi. she wanted a hug. she asked me how my summer had been. she said she's been single for the last two months, and seemed proud of it. but to me, that's a sign that maybe she's growing up, becoming more responsible, respecting herself more, and it makes me want her in my life even more. she wants to be friendly, but i don't know if i can handle that.
i had lunch with rex. i think there's a good chance that stronger bonds will form between those of us fifth year students who are still around, which is a good thing.
in the afternoon stef didn't say anything more to me. and that's painful too. it hurts when she talks to me, and it hurts when she doesn't. i spent the evening wandering around the east side. sat in a playground for a while. swung. looked up at the stars.
then chris, with girl issues of his own (although he's leaving for chicago in less than a week, so he really shouldn't let them get to him), met up with me and asked if i wanted to go for a drink. which turned into five.