2 October 2002
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20021002y.png)
dreams of kissing stef.
i decided to try the new burrito place on thayer for dinner. i only really noticed it for the first time yesterday, although i'm sure i've walked past it since whenever it opened. garth told me that it was decent, and relatively cheap. i ordered a burrito and a bottle of water, as did the girl behind me. i didn't hear what sort of burrito she ordered (it did have cheese on it, so she's not vegan). i sat down at the counter and she sat down two seats from me. we ate at almost exactly the same pace. starting and finishing within a few seconds of each other. we both had about a third of a bottle of water left, and sat for just about the same length of time finishing it. i got up to leave, she got up to leave, and she walked in the same direction of me, two or three steps behind, for about three blocks before i lost track of her.
i don't know if i'd necessarily even recognize her again. she had short brown hair and a number of earrings in her right ear (i didn't see the left). she was wearing brown cords and a black t-shirt. i had on black pants and my brown cowboy shirt, mirrored colours.
two blocks beyond losing her i turned the corner and saw who i thought was stef and amy down the end of the block. at the next corner i looked, and it was definitely stef, but maybe not amy. i resisted the urge to cross the line from hung-up ex-boyfriend to stalker and didn't follow them but instead continued home.
this is the first time that i've seen stef outside of a one block radius of the beb since, well since the last time that i was with her further afield than that. since july. she seemed out of context and messed up my equilibrium a little.
took a nap.
later in studio amy came in for five minutes, alone, and i started to feel pretty certain that it wasn't her with stef earlier. and then more anxiety over who stef might have been with. and my ability to work again ground to a halt.