10 February 2003
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20030210a.gif)
wrote the text for my voice-over. it's autobiographical, which is something i was trying to avoid, but i think maybe the reason that this was so hard was because i was trying to avoid it. i probably should just accept that my work is likely to always be autobiographical. and that's sort of what the film is about.
recorded it in the bathroom, which is probably the most sound-isolated room to record in. transfered it to my computer and began matching it up with the film as best i could. then, in studio, twenty minutes before class, i transfered it to mag, added head and tail leaders, and hoped that everything would work.
and we ended up having the morning to keep working if we needed it anyway. i gave it a test run to see if the two tracks of sound matched up, played with the levels, and was ready to go.
after lunch when we started screening the finished films i was first to go. and it went well. i actually liked it all put together, and the class seemed to as well. the only real criticism was that people wished the voice-over was spoken more slowly, so that they could pay better attention to the words.
last night when researching for her presentation stephany came across an entirely unrelated site, mainly an archive of someone's abstract digital photos. strangely, one of the photos on the page that came up could almost of have been of us (try a search for nietzsche). at work tonight, bored, i recreated her search and found the site for myself. there's some beautiful photos. and the programming is pretty interesting too, although slowly revealed, the more time you spend on the site the more options you get to play with.