9 February 2003
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20030209a.gif)
breakfast with garth. went home and chose a piece of music for my third film. walked down to the fav studios, transfered the music to magnetic stock, and cut the film to it. still avoiding the entire subject of the voice-over narative.
made a lousy quality video dub of my film so that i could go home and work on the voice-over on my computer. on the way stef called. 'i'm going out to dinner now. then home to take a shower and write my paper, and then i'll call you again.'
at home i ate cold pizza. cooked some rice. half-heartedly worked on the text for my film, but mostly watched tv. my phone did it's annoying little trick where it pretends it's not in service and doesn't ring, and about ten o'clock i found i had two messages. one from stef a few hours earlier, letting me know she still hadn't been working on her paper.
i called her back, and she was on her way to the quick-e-mart to buy chocolate, so she came and picked me up. at her house we watched some more tv before finally getting to work around midnight.
amy, jeremy, emily.w and her boyfriend mike had gone out bowling and stef had declined going because she was going to be responsible and work on her paper. and of course i was going to be responsible and work on my film. but i guess we could have gone. it would have been fun.
decided around 230 that i should just go to bed and maybe i'd wake up inspired in the morning.