31 January 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040131a.gif)
i know that i dreamt about stef last night. i don't now remember the actual content of those dreams. in the pattern of going to bed late and getting up early i have been avoiding remembering even that she was in my dreams at all for the most part. but there was the definite feel of her presence this morning.
talked with aaron and er!n on the phone. mid-afternoon i called chris. he was supposed to have spent the first half of the day building a loft bed for dave.z. 'well, i got up late,' he said, 'and then we found out that there aren't any studs in his walls, so we had to go back to home depot and buy more 2x4s. but you can come over here and hang out if you want.'
i took my time. headed out. waited forever for the transfer from the L to the G. and when i got there (it had been dark for a while at this point) dave.z was back at home depot again, buying screws, because apparently they didn't have the right kind. they had cut most of the wood down to size, but hadn't done much else.
latish, after midnight, after other people had come and gone, the three of us went to a nearby diner to get something to eat. i wasn't expecting much in the way of vegan-friendly food, and was not disappointed in being disappointed. but i did find something on their menu that with a few modifications i could eat. so we ate, and talked.
took the same route back home, the G to the L, even though i thought it might be slow, it just seems like it should be quicker to stay in brooklyn, rather than taking a different train into manhattan and transferring to the L from there. but, in retrospect, it probably would have been faster to go the long way. i didn't end up getting home until close to five.
i didn't call any of those three numbers, although did continue one thread of email correspondence.