7 February 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040207a.gif)
i met chris in manhattan for brunch at veg-city. mostly because without the L running, i could still take the J to the F and arrive within feet of their front door. i realized once i was on the train that i didn't bring my book with me. i've become one of those people on the subway. with my nose in a novel, completely oblivious to the world around me. chris told me that if he tried to read on the train (not that he takes the train much, since he bikes) he'd always miss his stop. 'i get distracted and look up every time the train stops. it's one instance where add has actually helped me out. it makes reading tougher, but at least i don't miss my stop.'
we sat around at veg-city far a while, but it wasn't until i got off of the W, near home depot, that i realized how long we must have been there. it was dark all of a sudden. 'where did the day go?' i thought. i was terribly disoriented.
walking down the lumber isle in home depot i ran into jason.h, another summer of '99 risd transfer kid. i hadn't seen him in a year and a half, and had no idea that he was in new york. this really only served to add to the feeling of disorientation.
i bought two joist hangers for my bed frame and an extension cord for my new ikea lamps. went home and waited for chris to come help with the construction. all i really needed was for someone to hold the ladder, hand me screws. but chris has built a number of loft beds, and i figured his input wouldn't hurt.
we put most of the 2x4s up. until the one that required the joist hangers. which needed nails instead of screws, and as it happened we had no hammer. i banged away at one nail with another blunt metal object, making tons of noise and not much progress, until the neighbors complained. of course it was 2am by this point.