8 February 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040208a.gif)
i wanted to be up by 10.30 this morning. chris told me to call him when i got up, he didn't want to sleep the day away, and he'd bring a hammer and help me finish my bed. i used the snooze on my alarm for half an hour or so, and then decided that well rested was better than not, and i should just get as much sleep as i needed.
i got up at noon. called chris, left a message on his voicemail. heard back from him a bit after one. he said he was going to take a shower, then call me back. and nothing. finally at three, i called again. and got his voicemail again. then at quarter after. 'sorry. i fell back asleep,' he said. 'i'll be over in about twenty minutes.'
about four o'clock bret called. he had been planning on coming down to visit today. but, he went out drinking last night and overslept and was possibly having car troubles, and said maybe it would be better to do it next weekend.
and of course at this point i hadn't eaten all day and it seemed that my friends were flaking out on me left and right and i was getting pissy.
chris showed up after four. we finished putting my bed together, which actually made me feel a little better. even though i can't sleep on it yet, as i don't have an appropriate mattress. but it's still cool. and another step on the path of settling in.
i think chris would have just taken off at this point, but i was still hungry, and suggested going into manhattan, to a vegetarian indian restaurant. we had some pretty good south indian food, but i was still hungry. we headed downtown for desert, to the place that i first met up with my new roommates. on that night three weeks ago they had had some really good vegan cheesecake. tonight they were out of everything but soy ice cream. so chris had that. i had an appetizer and a bowl of miso soup.
one of the things that i had been planning on doing today was preparing a valentine's day package for stef (nothing expensive or too elaborate, but sweet). i didn't get to it. when i was walking home from the subway (still no L service) i had a new daydream. in this one stef had come back to new england for some reason, and was staying with a friend in providence and working at union station again. and while this scenario wouldn't necessarily lead to a reconciliation, the fact that we'd be about ten times closer together wouldn't necessarily hurt.