9 February 2004
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my first day at work. i had a great time, but now i'm really fucking depressed because all i want to do is tell stef about the exciting stuff i did. but of course that's a catch 22. if i were in a position to tell stef about my day, i wouldn't have had the day that i did. so yes, something cool has come about as a more or less direct result of all the crap that i've been going through, and that's wonderful and i'm so glad to have this opportunity that i have now, but none of that changes the fact that i miss her terribly, and she is still my other half and she is still the one i want to tell all my stories to.
for the first three hours after work that's pretty much all i thought about. then i talked to my dad and annette on the phone. my roommates. and later cybèle on the phone. and just the telling of the story did make me feel better, even it wasn't to the person who i most want to share it with.
so here goes:
i woke up at seven. showered, got dressed, and headed for the L. rush hour on the subway was a new experience for me. a lot of people seem to use the time to get an extra few minutes of sleep. i got off at 1st ave, got a bagel and coffee, and figured that i had enough time to sit and enjoy it and probably still get to work a little early. which i did.
i was introduced to a few people, and then immediately set to work on a project, making foamcore circles of various diameters to use as mock-ups to test table sizes for the new 'super' who wants to be a millionaire? show.
some scanning. some last minutes mounting of presentation boards. ordering printing/drawing/model making supplies. lunch in there somewhere. and then i actually got to go uptown to abc studios to the millionaire set. the guys who had gone for a meeting had left my circles behind. i think it may have been intentional, as a way to get me on a set my first day at work. but then again, maybe the really did forget them. everything is pretty fast paced and everyone is working on two or three different projects at any time.
either way, seeing the set, and being involved in the sort of meeting that goes on on set, was really cool. and the office atmosphere is great too. the people are friendly, and seem fun. (there's a lot of new names and faces to get to know.) i really enjoyed my first day. i worked on five or six completely different projects, which is the way i think that the job will continue to be. i'm the new ('overqualified' as beatrice introduced me to some of the staff) intern, and i'm there to help out with whatever needs to be helped out with, and in the process learn as much as i can about the business.
at six o'clock beatrice had to tell me to stop working. 'you can stay and work on your own stuff if you want, but the job is only until 5.30. that part of it is going to be hard. i know that i'm not getting paid to work overtime (and hardly getting paid for the work i am doing), but seeing everyone else stay late just makes me want to join in that sort of creative culture.
and then tomorrow's day two.