2 April 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040402a.gif)
'Are you leaving too?' she asked.
'Unless you want me to stay.' He did not say this. 'Yeah, I think I'm headed out with them.' Chris had left moments earlier by himself. I think he knew we were coming, and hadn't pushed us to hurry up, so I let him go.
'Well, it was great to see you,' she continued. 'I'm glad that you're in the city now. We should hang out some time.'
'Yeah. I'm.. I'm around.'
Earlier, work: a trip to the CNN New York studios to document a set that is being moved to the new [ I feel guilty even mentioning it's name, the new tower uptown built by CNN's parent company. Maybe the Evil Empire Building, unintentionally (but happily so) paralleling the Empire State Building. ]. Anyway, the set was supposed to be free this afternoon, but they were filming on it. I got to see another set though. And the control room, and the craziness behind the scenes of an international news organization.
And home from work, and preparing veggie sushi. A (relative) success. Chris came, of course. And one of Marie's friends. Which made six, a number that I was always happy with, back in the day. But it would have been nice if Er!n had come, or any of those risd A girls.
The party, which ended at the beginning of this entry, was on the Upper East Side. Some RISD kids I kind of knew. A bunch of NYU grad school film students who I didn't. Some conversations about moving to New York and art and work. Then Kate.S and her brother and Melody, who I've been exchanging emails with for a few months, (via Portland, where she's been living after her own broken heart experience) showed up. Later still, the subway home.