28 April 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040428a.gif)
Alex asks:
How's yer new job? And NYC? Your journal gives me brief glimpses into your life, enough that it all seems pretty cool, but ya never know...
And I respond:
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But, in all actuality, I'm doing pretty much okay.
The job is cool. As I've mentioned elsewhere, it's not exactly what I want to be doing, but it's certainly close enough for the time being.
Pluses: I get to visit the sets of TV shows. I get paid to use Photoshop. The people in the office are a lot of fun. It's vaguely architectural. I'm making some good connections.
Minuses: Despite the casual atmosphere of our office, I'm still a cog in the corporate machine. I'm at best only an assistant designer. I've been getting paid minimally during my internship, and now that the internship is coming to an end it's a little ambiguous as to exactly how much freelance work there will be for me.
New York City is difficult to sum up in any sort of concise manner. Almost anyone who knows me knows that I have always said that this is somewhere I could never live. And in a sense, I do still feel very provisional and transitional here, although admittedly with nowhere in mind to transition to. But, I also feel very strangely at home here sometimes. As much at home as I could feel anywhere, probably.
I'm certainly not taking full advantage of the city though. I haven't been going to too many concerts or museums or any of that. I don't have a favourite bar. Or a group of close enough/reliable enough friends with whom to find a favourite bar.
And that's really the point at which it all hinges. (The friends, not the drinking). [ ... ]
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