magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


9 May 2004

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One of my biggest pet peeves is hearing people whispering when i'm trying to sleep.

Rob invited a handful of anarchists to stay out or house last night. There's a conference being held at OfficeOps this weekend, which is just down the street from us. I have to say that despite my own political feelings, the idea of a large group of anarchists getting together doesn't really appeal to me. This may have something to do with the descriptions of anarchist gatherings I read in one of Robert Anton Wilson's books when I was at a particularly impressionable age.

I don't have any problem with anarchists sleeping on the floor of my apartment. I'm sure they're nice people. But Rob and one of the more industrious of said anarchists were up early and cooking food. And whispering so as not to wake up anyone else. I've always found conscientious whispering to be even more insidious than outright talking. But then again I can't fall asleep to music either.

Later, once up, brunch in Manhattan, and a walk back home, by way lost in Greenpoint. 'How'd you end up in Greenpoint?'

'Well, I was on the phone and not really paying attention to which way I was walking and ended up out near the Keyspan natural gas transfer station, which is a huge lot that you can't actually walk all the way around because it has a canal along one side.'

It was a nice walk though, and I got to see quite a bit more of industrial East Williamsburg.