2 July 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040702a.gif)
When George left the city on Wednesday evening I told him not to wait another five months before visiting again. He called this afternoon, 'What are you up to?'
'Not a whole lot at the moment. I was just on my way out to the coffee shop around the corner to use their wireless internet connection.'
'I was thinking. If my computer has come in, it might make more sense for me to drive down today and pick it up than to have them send it. I'd like to get it as soon as possible. I spent the last two hours doing all my billing on my old computer, and decided I'd wait to print it until I had saved a backup, because it sometimes crashes when I print. But this time it crashed while I was saving the backup, and I lost the last two hours of work.'
He called Dan, the computer had arrived, and he headed into the city to pick it up.
An hour later he called me again. 'I'm in New Milford. I have a flat tire.'
'The same one that was flat the other day? Or a different one.'
'A different one. I'm having two new tires put on the car.'
'That's probably a good idea. Two flats in one week is a pretty good sign that the tires are wearing out.'
'So I'm still planning on coming, but I don't know if I'll be able to get there before the store closes. If you could go into Manhattan and pick up my computer, I'll buy you dinner when I get there.'
'Sounds like a good deal to me.'
At The Archive I checked my MySpace mail. There was a message from this kid Jonah, entitled 'I am not gay'. Which was a link to a note that a female friend of his without a MySpace account had written to me. Asking me if maybe I was going to be at a bar on the lower east side last night. Which of course I wasn't. The note, which was in pdf format, was really cute though, and I feel like I should write back to her.
George, Dan, and I ate at VP2. And then George was headed back out of the city again.