16 July 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040716a.gif)
I dreamt this morning that I had called Stef, and while the message that I got said it was her voicemail, it wasn't in her voice, so I called back. The second time I got a still recorded, but personalized, message, letting me know that she was in bed and would see me when I got home. As is so often the case in dreams, this didn't all make sense chronologically, but it made me happy to know that I had someone to go home to. When I got there, she pulled me onto the bed and kissed me. 'Wait a minute,' I said, 'I should brush my teeth.' When I got back she wasn't in bed anymore. And then it was daytime, and things were more correct chronologically, and we were no longer a couple, and were fighting.
The whole thing left me with a horrible sense of foreboding for the first hour or so of my day.
At work I began to realize just how many inaccuracies there are in this model that I am inheriting responsibility for. The brother and sister team who built it are nice people, and they did a really beautiful job and worked with the information that they were given, but if they had just taken half an hour to go up to the site and look at it for themselves, there would be half as many headaches at this stage in the process.
I did go up to the site today, for the second time this week. I photographed and made detailed sketches of the context buildings. It's just like building group models at RISD. But, as I've pointed out, there's a sense of comfort in that too.
Allison.M was having a birthday party tonight. She was meeting people at a gallery opening in Williamsburg that I had been planning on going to anyway. I wasn't sure about the party itself. 'I'm boycotting birthday parties,' I told her, 'because no one came to mine.' More than that though, it wasn't really her party, at was just a dance party thing in SoHo that she could get people on the guestlist for, because of her birthday.
I did end up tagging along with a bunch of RISD kids who were going for drinks after the opening. To a bar called the Alligator Lounge that gives you free pizza with a drink purchase. Which I didn't take advantage of at first, given the whole cheese and tomato nature of pizza, but once I saw everyone else eating I asked if they could make me some without the cheese. As much as I give them a hard time, I don't actually have any ethical problem with tomatoes.
I talked for a while with a girl named B (short for Beatrice) from Sweden. I've been told recently that my personality and temperament might be more suited for dating Scandinavian women. That's really just a side note, though.
At one point I looked up and there was a red bulb hanging over me. I took out a scrap of paper and wrote about being transported, briefly, to some other bar in Austin that I had once had some drinks at but could not remember the name of. And that I've also been flashing back recently to driving to Target. In Austin and in Seekonk.
After the Alligator Lounge I did some barhopping with Steve and Ryan (Paolo's roommates) and this kid Mike who at been in ID at RISD and was in New York for a couple of days during a cross-country road trip with his brother. We drank PBR at Subway Bar, and more lousy beer out of 32oz styrofoam cups at some place on Bedford. And then back to their place where I chatted with Paolo for a bit before heading home.