21 August 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040821a.gif)
I got home at 7.30 this morning. I was woken up at 9.30 by Rob's childhood friend John, who spent the night after sushi, and is very loud. Then the rest of the house started getting up.
At 11.30, after very little in the way of addition sleep, I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower.
Spent the afternoon watching Love, Actually. Which is total cheesy romantic comedy. But fun and uplifting. And full of pretty good actors.
Just before leaving for Manhattan, for a combined birthday dinner for Marie and Rob, I placed a bid on eBay for a hollow-body Danelectro guitar. I figured that the auction would end just before Rob and I arrived at Digital Society, where Dan and Marie work. That would keep me from spending more than I can really afford. Plus, there's also a Danelectro seven-string that ends tomorrow night.
We got there with two minutes left in the auction. I was still the high-bidder, but did the two window, reload, reload, reload thing that I used to do at the end of auctions when I was briefly addicted to buying 8mm film cameras on eBay six or so years ago. No one outbid me though, and so I was the proud owner of a new sea-green guitar as we left for dinner.
We ate at Quintessence, an all raw-foods, vegan restaurant in the East Village. It was tasty, which was suspected, but also surprisingly filling. (And quite expensive, maybe even more-so than Angelica Kitchen.)