9 September 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040909a.gif)
As I'm drifting off to sleep last night my phone rings. It's Marisa. Calling me back. We talked for about half an hour. Typical first conversation stuff. Where are you from? What do you do?
Then she says, 'I feel like I should just tell you up front: When I originally wrote to you it was because you seemed cool, and I thought that we would probably get along and be friends, and maybe something more. But the other night, when I said that I was going to be out, I was on a second date, and it went really well, and so I kind of want to pursue that right now. I'm generally very honest and upfront about things, and so I thought I should tell you. I still think that you seem cool though, and that we could friends.'
'You know. I kind of suspected all of that.'
'Even the part about the other night?'
'Um hmm.'
'And yet you still called after five. Curious.'
Stupid, stupid, stupid bean.
That kept me up for most of the rest of the night.
At work at eight again, to pack the model up for transport to NBC. And I went up there with it to reassemble it, after the union guys unpacked it all, and got to sit in on the meetings. That's a whole different side of the business. Maybe not so much interesting, as I told Eddie yesterday when he suggested that I could stick around for the meeting, as just something that I should maybe do. I want to be involved in the whole process. I don't want to just be the assistant design monkey.
I was noticing more cute girls than usual today. On the train, on the street. In the meeting with NBC, which I can say looking back on this a week later.
I had to go back up to NBC to disassemble the model, pack it up, and move it to someone's office for the weekend. Jen.D came along with me, and I told her the story about Marisa.