27 September 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040927a.gif)
Getting upset and almost breaking down at work led to me being put more squarely in charge of the Democracy Plaza graphics while John.S is out this week. He and I had a drink together this evening to discuss the status of the project, but also work at PDG in general. In some ways I see him as kind of a mentor for me in this field. A few years older. A few years more professional graphic design experience.
Marisa called and left me a message while we were in the bar downstairs. Later at home I called her back. Nebulous plans to visit a museum some weekday. Probably not this week, given my extended duties at work. I was a little disappointed that it will be at least another week before we get to hang out again. I don't know if she could tell from my voice.
Dan: 'Is that West Wing? I heard "election".'
Me: 'Um, no. It's Veronica Mars.'
It actually turned out to be a pretty good show. Buffyesque, in the teen girl who is totally with-it, who used to be popular but is now an outcast, sort of way. But without the sci-fi angle.
And in typical TV high school fashion, Kristen Bell, the cute actress playing the cute eponymous 16 year old lead, is actually 24. Which is on one hand kind of lame, but on the other means that I can in good conscience have a star-struck crush on her. Which is kind of lame.