One month of silence.
1 February 2005
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I haven't written anything here in a month. Not intentionally, I just let things get away from me. I've taken notes, fleshed out a few paragraphs, and will probably go back in and retroactively update one of these weekends, but for the time being, I just wanted to jump back in.
The most significant milestone of the last thirty days occurred at 4.30 PM on Wednesday the 26th, at which point I had lived in New York for exactly a year. It's amazing how quickly it's gone by.
The other day I put three Cure albums on my mp3 player. On the subway into midtown this morning it really hit me just how much of a masterpiece, in the truest sense of that word, Disintegration is. Did I realize this in high school? Or was I just seduced by the rich textures and depressing lyrics?
I'm model-building again at work. Yesterday I was in a fog, but today I actually made some progress. Got some Sobo glue on my fingers. Felt productive.
And home to do laundry. Also a productive exploit, which I had been putting off for much too long. Earlier, Eddie, in the motherly way that only a middle-aged gay man can really pull off, asked me if my short sleeve shirt was my winter wear. 'All my clothes are dirty,' I told him. And it was true. But no longer.
Followed by an hour and a half on the phone with MBNA trying to get them to lower my interest rate so that I can actually begin to make a dent in paying off my credit card debt. Unsuccessfully. In part because of the cable bill from Austin that I obstinately refused to pay because technically it was Stef's responsibility even though it was in my name. And in part because of my Sovereign Bank overdraft line of credit account which they had the wrong address on, and which took me nearly a year of trying to get them to close. And, I must admit, in part because I'm just not good with budgeting and keeping track of my finances. But also largely because they're the man, and they can do whatever they fuck they want, even if that is charge you interest at a rate that isn't usury only because of a small, state governmental loophole, in order to keep you in debt for the next 30 years.
But, at least I have clean clothes.