6 April 2005
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I was in bed before midnight last night for the first time in longer than I can remember. But, lying in bed for eight hours doesn't mean anything if you are only actually sleeping for half of that. Heartburn and joint aches and stress and congestion and anything else that could possibly keep me up. This morning I went through my usual routine of hitting snooze for an hour, and was ready to get up, and then next thing I know it's another hour later.
So another morning without shaving, rushing out of the house as best I can. I did remember to bring the lunch that I bought on Sunday and have been meaning to bring to work each day this week.
In an office meeting this afternoon it was again emphasized that there is pressure to cut down on third-party (read freelance) expenses. The implication being that those of us who are freelance who were there in the meeting have kind of earned our place, but I've already been on edge for a few months and an unspoken implication didn't do anything to make me feel any better about it.
I did talk with Mike, who's moving into a leadership role as regards 2D work, in a somewhat more official way after the meeting about my interest in being part of the graphics resource in the office. That although I've sort of fallen / maneuvered into a position as Bank of America flunky, one of the things I'd really like to do is broadcast graphics.
It's definitely a multi-step process. And although the last few weeks it's seemed as if I might burn out before making much headway, I have felt like that a few times before over the last year or so, and bounced back. So this time I've just got to keep on following through.
I did notice tufts of green crabgrass on the hill behind my house this morning. And that's something.