Movie reviews.
6 August 2005
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I was pretty much over being upset when I woke up this morning, but I wasn't about to call Chris. I had brunch by myself at Life. And then spent the day in movie theatres. (And walking between movie theatres.)
I saw Me and You and Everyone We Know. Which was sweet, and quirky, and a little bit disturbing. Which are all fine things for a movie to be. It wasn't, as I heard from someone on the 4th of July, 'the best movie I've seen in years.' But it was fun, ultimately uplifting, and recommended.
And later, The Aristocrats, which if you don't know, is a documentary about a single joke, the dirtiest joke ever. The joke itself is not really funny at all. And if taken at face-value, is actually quite vulgar, beyond vulgar, and in that regard, even less funny. What is funny however, truly, hilariously, funny, is the community of the joke, a joke which has been passed down and between comedians since, reputedly, vaudeville. It is the repetition of the joke. Its pedigree, and retelling, rewriting, and reimagining. It's the stories that go along with the joke, who told it to whom, and how, and under what circumstances. And the fact that a hundred different comics, packed into an hour an a half, all trying to push the envelope and one-up eachother, can't really fail at being funny. Obviously not recommended if you have any qualms about 'offensive' language, but otherwise, see it.