And the weather breaks.
14 August 2005
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If I hadn't passed out drunk when I got home the past two nights I wouldn't have gotten any sleep at all. As it is, I woke up about 8.30 this morning, the day, and my apartment, already too hot to stay in bed. And felt sick for most of the day, in part because of the drinking, but mostly just because of the heat.
I mail-ordered an air conditioner. More for Chesterfield's sake than my own. This was by far the worst weekend of a generally bad summer, and although the air-conditioner probably won't get here until things have gotten better, as ground shipping was free while even the next fastest upgrade was in the realm of $100, I'm sure it will get hot again before the summer's over.
Eventually managed to get to the laundromat, which had to be done. And then out to dinner and a movie with Rob and Marie. While we were eating it began pouring. We had no umbrellas, and there was no way we could get to the theatre without getting thoroughly soaked and then catching pneumonia in the air conditioning. Somehow we managed to hail a cab, staying mostly under awning, and keeping surprisingly dry.
Tonight's movie was Grizzly Man. Another decent, although not life-changing, film.
And then I did get completely soaked walking back up to the subway. It had stopped raining during the movie, and I decided to head for the subway station five blocks away instead of the one around the corner so that I wouldn't have to take two trains. Two blocks into that walk it started raining again. And in the three remaining blocks every square inch of clothing that had on was full of water. I had to take my sneakers off and dump them out at that subway station. And for once was glad I had to wait for a train to show up, so that I had a little bit of a chance to dry out.