It seems all my friends are rockstars.
15 August 2005
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I had an incredibly difficult time getting out of bed this morning. Las night was the first comfortable night in a long time, and I'm not sure my body wanted to let go of that.
Work was slow.
At lunchtime there was a message from Cybèle. She'll be in town tonight playing a show. I had dinner at VP2, then headed out to Tommy's Tavern in Greenpoint. The website said 'music starts promptly at 8pm'. Which was in comparison to other shows listed as 'doors at 8'. However, at 7.52, when I arrived, the bar was empty but for the bartender. Around 8.30 a few guys showed up with equipment. Chris arrived a couple minutes later. Cybèle herself got there around 9. The show didn't actually start until close to 10.
And it was mostly short sets of mostly noisy stuff, although not nearly as narrowly focused as I might have feared. Cybèle played with two bands: a guy who plays as Russian Tsarcasm, as one of his 'thousands of cousins' (there were two), and as half of Mercy Light, one of the bands she's been in for the last few months. Her violin was a little more recognizable in the noise this time, the last time she played in New York, the contact mic broke and so she eventually gave up and just started banging on things, but I still think that it could be a little more prevalent in the mix.
Of the other bands that played, probably the most notable was the unfortunately named Diahrries, a short-form punk outfit (their longest song was about 30 seconds), with some amazing drumming.
Talked with a British girl at the show. Chris exchanged phone numbers with her, but was then all confused because she was there with a boy. And headed home, the G to the E to the A, about an hour in transit.