If I could afford to live in an apartment like this.
20 August 2005
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I left the party, in a DUMBO loft building with no one I had known more than a handful of hours, at 2.30 with a long trip ahead of me, feeling almost suddenly, and strangely, sober. As no one could give me particularly clear directions to the High Street Station, I took the F from York one stop further into Brooklyn (it was not running uptown) and transfered there to the A. Over the course of the day it had become more and more clear that I have a cold and it's not just allergies, but it wasn't until the last few subway stops, as I started sneezing uncontrollably that I fully admitted this.
But let me back up. When I talked to Chris yesterday he had specifically mentioned brunch today, so after leaving a message on his voicemail this morning, I waited to hear back from him before leaving the house. I called him again around noon. And half an hour later, with still no word, I decided to head downtown anyway. Before getting on the subway I tried one more time, and he answered, saying that he had been out late last night, and wasn't up for brunch, but might be meeting Cora later for lunch and would give me a call.
I ate brunch by myself at the Organic Grill, picking up a issue of Wallpaper* at a newsstand to read as I ate. I can't stand the editorial tone of the magazine, but they do have a good eye for architecture and design. It wasn't quite as good a brunch read as the New York Times Magazine though.
An hour or so later, while browsing at the Strand, Chris called. 'So you want to get lunch?'
'Well, I just ate, not too long ago, but I'd be happy to sit down somewhere with you and Cora and snack on something little.'
We met at Curly's, and I ended up eating a pretty large salad.
Afterward, we walked south (Cora headed back to Brooklyn) to East River Park, where a friend of Chris's who's in town for the weekend was at a 'free concert with a bunch of bands I've never heard of, but he says they're good.' His friend was leaving as we got there, but we ran into someone else he used to work with, and as the music was ending, Aimee, sister of Jana who I've met through Chris and Dave but don't really know.
We hung out for a bit, and then Aimee invited us along for dinner with a couple of her friends at a place in Alphabet City. We met up there, had a few drinks, but before the food Chris left to have a drink with Becky. 'We were friends before we dated,' he explained earlier, 'and I feel like I have to try to be friendly.' Aimee and her friends were going out to a party in DUMBO after dinner, and he said that if I was going to stick with them he'd meet us out there later.
It was either head out to that party, or meet up with Marie for a drink, as today is her birthday, but there was voicemail from her as we left the restaurant saying that she was heading back to Bay Ridge to get a good night's sleep before heading out to Atlantic City tomorrow. So DUMBO it was.
And even though Chris never showed up, or even called, I had a good time. I'm always a little nervous in social situations where I don't really know anyone, but they all seemed for the most part to be genuinely friendly people, and I did have quite a lot to drink. I didn't exchange phone numbers or email addresses with anyone, and who knows if I'll see them again, but Aimee did say as I was headed out that she was glad I came along, and she hopes to hang out with Chris, and by extension me, more in the future.