Democracy Plaza redux.
19 September 2005
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The News and Documentary Emmy Awards were tonight. Democracy Plaza was nominated for the Outstanding Lighting and Scenic Design award, and a number of people from the office were headed to the awards banquet after work. Somehow, it seems to have slipped everyone's memory as to just how much I worked on the project. Or even that I worked on it at all, let alone 50+ hour weeks four the better part of four months last year. And I can understand not being invited to the awards, there were a limited number of seats for the company (although I wouldn't have been the only freelancer there, and I'm not sure exactly why everyone who was going was chosen to go), but just the fact that in the congratulations and back-patting and general good cheer surrounding the nomination and tonight's event, nothing's really trickled down to me, other than the general 'way to go, team!'
Well, at least I know that last August magicbeans contained the only reference to Democracy Plaza on the web, which I was asked to censor when someone at NBC News googled it, as the press release hadn't yet been written.
Instead, at Casa di Bean, it was the beginning of the fall TV season, and I spilled most of a bottle of beer on my bed (which, you may remember, is also my couch) as I was attempting to trap a cockroach, only the second living cockroach I've seen in my apartment in the nine months I've been there.