Still doing this dance.
20 September 2005
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From: stef
To: bean
Subject: me either.....
Date: Tuesday, 3.01pI don't know what it may be, the cough medicine I'm on or what, but I checked your website today expecting something more to happen. Maybe the fact I check your website every once in awhile doesn't help anything either. I was expecting something more like closure too and don't quite feel it, so I went searching. I think its because I have many many things to say to you myself and had such anxiety throughout the days before Sunday about what you were going to say or do.....this may go on for the rest of our lives so I'm just going to say, I hear ya and I don't know what to do.....or how to deal with this all. I guess the material things really didn't matter as much as communicating.....oh well I need a break from thinking about all this, just wanted you to know you're not alone.
Marie had asked if I would be interested in going to the Maya 7 release party/demo tonight. And while 3D graphics is about the only type of work we do at PDG that I'm not really involved in, it is something that I'm somewhat interested in. And I have to say, that seeing Maya in action, I think I'd be quicker to jump into 3D projects at work if we were using it instead of Cinema 4D. Which is not to badmouth Cinema and what it can do, but just that working in Maya seems to be more intuitive, at least in the way in which I would instinctively approach 3D. There's still the matter of the lack of precision, which coming from an architectural background is something that I take issue with when it comes to most 3D modelers. But I do understand that this is not so much of a concern for the type of work that most people use this software for.
Of course, the office just recently made the switch from FormZ to Cinema, so it's unlikely that they're going to switch again any time soon. And I'm not even close to being able to afford a Maya license for myself. But sometimes, when I see something that inspires me artistically, and proficiency in which would also make me that much more marketable as a freelance designer (to someday rise above monkey status), I feel like maybe that's something I should be saving my pennies for.