Dreamt about.
13 March 2006
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About four months ago:
[ George ]: been a while since i've seen you use this account.
[ Bean ]: Yeah, I was sort of hiding from Stef for a long time. But I sort of figure that it's time to let go of that.
[ George ]: definitely.
And, today:
[ Stef ]: london huh?
[ Bean ]: Yep. For the better part of a week.
[ Stef ]: fun?
[ Stef ]: you back?
[ Bean ]: It was really cool. I've been back for a week, trying to do a good job on the project that I was sent over there for so that they'll consider sending me other interesting places.
[ Stef ]: jet set much?
[ Bean ]: Well, seeing as how I only left NYC 4 times in 2005 (and three of them were in December), it's definitely a new thing.
[ Stef ]: had a dream about you and the BEB and architecture last week and obviously checked your website, just in time to find out you were in london....
[ Bean ]: The whole thing was very much out of the blue.
[ Stef ]: do you ever dream about the BEB as this all white, kind of on a cloud heavenly like place, even though its gray and awful? it's really annoying.
[ Bean ]: I'm not sure when the last time was that I dreamt about the BEB. Or Providence/RISD at all, for that matter.
[ Stef ]: i have one about every six months.
[ Bean ]: I did have a dream about you on your birthday. Although I guess it makes sense that you'd be in my subconscious around then.
[ Stef ]: actually I think the reason I had the dream was because I went on the RISD website to look for a job and your picture popped up.
[ Stef ]: i figured that you had had a dream about me when I read the entry on my birthday....
[ Stef ]: i should probably leave you alone, you're working?..so am I sort of.
[ Bean ]: I'm attempting to. I procrastinate so much. Which if anything has only gotten worse since I've been working from home.
[ Stef ]: oh no you're not working from home!! bad idea, especially for you, i know, I'm the same way....
[ Stef ]: like now, I'm at my mothers house trying to put some marketing packets together.
[ Bean ]: I don't have any other option at the moment.
[ Stef ]: oh, well good luck with that..
[ Bean ]: I've been doing alright with it for the last two months or so. But I'm certainly not anywhere near as productive as I could be.
[ Stef ]: well listen, i had had that dream then, i saw your website and I had been wondering whether or not to write you an email and the one time I go on AIM in the last three months you're on so i figured i should at least say hi and tell you how awesome it is that you got to go to london, i'll leave you alone because you're not going to get anything done, and my mom is going to come home soon. good to know you're doing well.
[ Bean ]: Thanks. It's still weird talking with you. But I'm glad that you said hi.
[ Stef ]: i know, totally weird, but ok.