Family guilt.
10 May 2006
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Today is my grandmother's 90th birthday. My dad's in Florida for the party, and called to make sure that I remembered and called her to wish her well. And 90 is a big deal. And I know that I don't talk to my grandparents enough. But the guilt-trip nature of his call kind of put a but of a bug in my head. That she had already heard from her other grandkids, but not my brothers and myself. In other words, my dad, the younger of my grandparent's two kids, was feeling guilty by association and passing it on. My dad's sister, something like nine years older than he is, was always the more responsible one. My dad, as he's gotten older, has tried to make more of an effort with his parents, and has tried to get us to make more of an effort as well, but the truth is that we were never particularly close. His sister, and her kids, and their kids, all, to my knowledge, live in the same part of Florida that my grandparents do. We grew up in Connecticut, and while my dad was still there, might have visited Florida twice. But, all that aside, I get it. They are my blood, and they are getting old, and when I did make it down there a couple years ago to visit, I was really happy to be there and to see them. And I do call them on their birthdays and their wedding anniversary. And I can't remember the last time that they called me on my birthday.