12 May 2006
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20060512a.gif)
'So, is there anything going on tonight?'
'Nothing that I know of. I was going to give Zackin a call, since I haven't seen him in a while, but we're probably just going to end up hanging out in Brooklyn. I'll give you a call back in about twenty minutes when I know what's up.'
'Okay. Ciao.'
Thirty seconds later, 'So everyone I was going to call are all hanging out together in Prospect Park. But I have to warn you, there's no plan. It's still light out now though, so I'm going to head over that way.'
'Well, I really should get out, since I don't think I've left my house since Tuesday. I'll probably stop somewhere downtown to get something to eat. It probably won't be light out by the time that I get out to Brooklyn, so I'll give you another call from there to see what way people are headed before I get back on a train out to Brooklyn.'
I picked up some pre-made sushi at Whole Foods. 'We're headed over to Dave's so why don't you just take to F out to there.' And when no one answered the doorbell, 'We're at a mexican restaurant a couple blocks away, but we should be headed over there soon. I think the plan is to just hang out on the roof and play horseshoes.'
'Like real horseshoes? Or some sort of roof-safe horseshoe-like game? Cause I don't think throwing metal U-shaped objects back and forth on top of a building is such a smart idea.'
'When I said "play horseshoes" I meant "drink lots of booze".'
We ended up playing Yahtzee and drinking quite a bit of booze. And then going up on the roof and drinking more booze. And then heading over to Jessie and Liza's and drinking yet more booze. Before eventually heading home.