magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.

Mostly about yesterday.

2 July 2006

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Unmentioned in my short entry yesterday, was playing music with Chris and Jon.W. I felt woefully out of practise and generally underskilled. Jon is quite technically adept, even if his musical impulses are what Prince would sound like if he had both Tourette's and a serious case of ADD. And Chris, being all-around more artistically motivated than I am probably surpassed me musically a few years back. And even had I been practising as of late, I'm not use to in any way playing with other people. Once I let go of all that, it was fun though. I'm not sure whether this qualifies me as a member of Buns. (Or is it Bunz?)

Today was braving the heat and humidity for late lunch at Tiny's, another half-hearted stab at cleaning my apartment, and watching the second part of The Power of Nightmares.