19 July 2006
Is it wrong that I never got around to putting a shirt on today? I mean it was cooler today, so I didn't turn on my air conditioner, but it was still hot in my apartment. And by "cooler" I mean that it was only in the upper 80s.
I think it is wrong that I slept until almost noon. My alarm went off at 8:00, and then I snoozed snoozed snoozed, until turning it off and then drifted somewhere in between dreaming and thinking for another couple of hours. Yesterday I finally broke my overlong streak of sleeping in, and was back in bed at a relatively decent hour last night. But I slipped right back down that slope this morning.
Tomorrow I've actually got work to do. Every summer's been slow since I started this freelance gig, and it's easy to lose momentum. But there's a few projects hovering, starting with this job tomorrow. A full day of it, at least, so I've got an excuse to get out of bed. (Notice I didn't say "no excuse to sleep in".)
And I'll probably put a shirt on too.