Fancy dinner.
1 February 2007
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I made the suggestion, some time ago, although I guess it couldn't have been any longer than a month, when Jenny asked about my favourite restaurant in New York, that we at some point go there, Candle 79, on a fancy dinner date. I brought the idea up again last weekend, 'If we were to go out for our fancy dinner some night this week, which night would work best for you?'
'Thursday,' she said, 'if going late would be okay, because I start my Farsi class that evening. Or maybe some day next week?' Late did end up being okay with me, and we met up when she finished class. (I had spent the evening at Think Coffee getting ever closer to the end of Against the Day.) We were both, to a small degree, decked out in fancy attire, she in a skirt and sparkly eye-shadow, and I in a collared shirt and paisley tie.
We took the 6 train from Astor Place up to 77th Street, and for the first time (after only one previously unsuccessful attempt, two weeks ago, owing to the rarity with which I ever take the green line trains) I was able to use my fancy new RFID-enabled trial mobile phone to pay for my subway ride.
And dinner, both food and company, as to be expected, was amazingly good.