Page number one thousand.
3 February 2007
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Chris answered my noontime brunch-inquiring phone call. Most of the time I just leave a message. 'Yes, I'm awake. But I feel lousy and not up to getting brunch. My throat really hurts. I'm either going to lose my voice, or be fine later. So dinner, maybe.'
Never did hear back from him. Around 7:30, as I was leaving the house, with no real plan or destination in mind, Jenny called from work. 'I hardly slept at all last night, tossing and turning and feeling uncomfortable,' she told me, 'so I'm pretty exhausted, but I'd like to see you.'
'I was just on my way out, maybe to get something to eat?'
'I had two Amy's burritos at about an hour ago, so I'm not all that hungry, but I could meet you somewhere and just get a drink.'
And so dinner (for me) at Pukk, and a few more drinks at KGB Bar. And page 1000 of Against the Day on the subway ride home.