16 September 2010
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When you haven't eaten since breakfast, one cigarette and one beer is all it takes to make you lightheaded (if you're not already).
Straight from breakfast this morning to (briefly the coffee shop then) the library in an attempt to get everything done for my 2pm class. Artist presentation: finished. Interactive web piece: not so much.
And straight from there to work at the library.
Five minutes into my shift, a flash of lightning. Thunder. Wind. More lightning and thunder. Close by. More wind. Then sheets of water from the sky. And the wind continued to pick up until all you could see outside was white spray and the occasional tree branch. A crack, not so much a thunder crack, turned out to be a tree about 50 feet away being broken in half. Another one fell on a car in the parking lot. Tornados actually touched down in Park Slope, apparently.
Ten minutes later, nothing by a light drizzle and the ground strewn with leaves.
The rest of the shift was much less interesting. So uninteresting in fact, that I forgot to take a dinner break. I realized this while searching the stacks for missing books. When I crouched down to look at the lower shelves, and then stood back up, I got lightheaded.
Which brings us full circle. Upon getting home, a beer, a cigarette, and some short-prep dinner. (Uncooked TofuPups on corn tortillas. Though I did cook the tortillas.)