Wrong fillings.
25 February 2011
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Dinner tonight at Tom and Clare's new place in Boerum Hill. Asked to bring a salad, I poked around the produce section at the supermarket to see what sort of vegetables would inspire me. Ended up with spinach, red endive, red cabbage, red onion, sun-dried tomatoes, and orange beets1—tear, tear, chop, chop, chop, grate.
Their place is super nice. Large, open-plan loft. Long brick wall to the south. Windows east and west. A kitchen in one corner and a raised living/bedroom area in the other with a working fireplace and a door to a little deck. They were apologetic for still being mostly unpacked after a month, but of course I've still got packed boxes,2 and I moved into my place twenty months ago.
Mexican food, inspired by things they ate on a recent trip there. "There are combinations of taco fillings that are right, and others that are wrong. We don't know what they are though." And tortilla soup.
Hopefully I'll be seeing more of them now that they're in Brooklyn.
1. Which ended up being yellow on the inside, and quite a bit milder than normal purple beets. Strangely, amongst all those flavours, the cabbage ended up dominant.
2. Books mostly, of course. I've had the shelves to put them on (sans wall anchors) for about a month though, and yet they're still largely untouched.